“Castle in the Sky” is a fast-paced, Indiana Jones-style animated adventure that will appeal to children and adults alike. As with most Hayao Miyazaki films, an engaging and thrilling adventure story is delivered with a subtle message of respect for the environment.
The film kicks off as a young boy, Pazu, encounters Sheeta, a girl floating down from the sky. We discover that Sheeta, who possesses a crystal necklace that’s believed to lead the way to the mythical floating island of Laputa, has been kidnapped by government agents eager to acquire the pendant and harness the island’s mysterious power. As Pazu and Sheeta try to dodge the secret agents and embark on their own quest for Laputa, a number of high-flying and thrilling adventures ensue involving trains, planes, pirates and robots.
As in all his films, Miyazaki creates an imaginary world full of color and life, inhabited by complex yet interesting characters. “Castle in the Sky” is filled with epic-style battle scenes and it’s refreshing to see both female and male protagonists on equal footing as heroes.
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